We all know that Amazon is a customer-centric company. To that end, Amazon has released a new badge called the Amazon ‘New’ badge that aims to help customers find new products more easily. Amazon has other badges that help customers while they are searching for products like ‘Top Brand’, ‘Best Seller’, and ‘Amazon’s Choice‘.

Source: CNBC
As sellers have come to realize, having any of Amazon’s badges can provide a considerable advantage. Having a badge on a product listing helps make it stand out to customers in their search results, which means more clicks and likely more sales. This badge will hopefully make it easier for customers to find products they didn’t even know they needed, thus increasing ‘discoverability’ of products.
However, at this point Amazon has not spelled out what the criteria for receiving the badge is or when it will be widely available. It is currently testing the badge only in some markets for some customers without any consistency. While other badges are awarded based on things like pricing and customer reviews, it remains to be revealed what parameters must be met in order for products to receive the badge but it is clear just uploading a new product to Amazon will not be enough.
Even though the details about this new badge may still be foggy, it’s an exciting prospect for Amazon Sellers. Badges on Amazon have proven to be helpful in increasing visibility and sales, so this is definitely something sellers should keep an eye out for. When Amazon releases more information, sellers should be ready to capitalize on the opportunity to use it to their advantage!
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