In this release, we are launching DSP v2.0 which captures the Line items and Creatives level data and started reporting on tons of new metrics in the app like video first quartile views, video midpoint views for Sponsored Brand Video campaigns, orders new to the brand, detail page views clicks for Sponsored Display campaigns, and many more.
We have updated our application to be fully integrated with SP-API. With this release, we are launching the very first version of MWS migration to SP-API, we will launch the upgraded version in our upcoming releases in the coming months.
Also, we launched additional new features and functionalities on the application like updated campaign launch flow in PPC Manager, and introduced some new filters that will help users refine their search results in the app. This release also includes a few performance improvements to help users manage large accounts, UI improvements, reporting, and dashboard enhancements across the board.
New Features
DSP Manager v2.0
1. Introducing a new tab for Line items on the DSP Manager
We added a new tab for ‘Line Items’ on the DSP Manager page that will let users see what all line items are associated with their respective orders and can also see their performance metrics and reports separately.

Line Items tab on DSP Manager
Note: We have the same set of metrics on the Hero cards and the same time series chart on the Line items as we have on the ‘Orders’ page. Any filters applied on the ‘Orders’ tab will get cascaded to the Line items page automatically.
2. Introducing ‘Smart Tags’ on Line Items
Users can tag individual and multiple line items in DSP Manager and it works exactly the way it works for product tagging in ProductVu and Campaign tagging in the PPC Manager.

Smart Tags on the Line Items
This action is also available for bulk tagging, users can select multiple Line items that they want to tag, click on the ‘Manage Tag’ option, and can add one or multiple tags to the line items. The ‘Smart Tag’ column on the Line items table will display all the tags added to them to date.
3. New Filters on the Line Items Tab
We have added a few new filters like Line Items Name, Line Items Id, and Smart Tags on this tab to help users see all the line items data associated with their respective Orders. Users can choose various filters to see the desired search results.

New Line Items’ filters
4. Introducing ‘Creatives’ level data on the DSP manager
Creatives-level data will now be available on this separate tab on the DSP Manager. Multiple creatives can be associated with a single order, so, we will be reporting on each of the creatives separately on this new tab. Users can filter all the creatives based on their respective orders.

New tab for Creatives on the DSP Manager
We also added a couple of new filters on this tab that will help users filter their desired search results.

Creatives’ new filters
Note: We have the same set of metrics on the Hero cards and the same time series chart on the Line items as we have on the ‘Orders’ page. Any filters applied on the ‘Orders’ tab will automatically cascade to the Creatives page.
Some more Enhancements across the board
5. Updated campaign launch flow on the PPC Manager
Users will now be able to specify the ad group targeting type during the campaign launch flow. In Step 3 of the campaign launch, when the users toggle on the “Product” targeting type, it will launch a product targeting ad group with the targets added to it.

Launch product targeting ad group during Campaign launch flow
In Step 4 (above), the summary will show the users what all ad groups are getting launched along with their targeting types, and the number of targets getting launched too. The ‘Targets launching’ column will say “Incomplete” when the ad group is getting launched without any targets, else it will show the exact number of target users added in Step 3. We made this workflow more intuitive and robust for a better user experience.

Two new columns on the campaign launch summary window
Once the campaigns and ad groups are launched successfully, they will get added to the campaign pattern in Campaign studio with the default ASIN transfer rule “When ASIN converts 2 times, create an ASIN target “.

Default ASIN transfer rule in Campaign Studio
6. Launched a new filter to compare current bid to CPC on the PPC Manager
We added a new filter on the Targeting tab -> PPC manager page where users can filter their targeting to compare the current bid to their cost per click. This will help users identify and review which bids are lower than CPC to investigate and make sweeping bid adjustments accordingly. Users will now have the option to filter the targets by Bid lower than CPC -> Equal to -> Yes/No.

New Compare current bid to CPC filter
7. Introducing reporting on new performance metrics for all the campaign types
Users will now be able to see the reporting on various new metrics across all the campaign types.
Sponsored Brand Video Campaigns - Advertisers can now measure the performance of their Sponsored Brands video campaigns against a new set of video viewing metrics that are as follows:
a. Video First Quartile Views
b. Video Midpoint Views
c. Video Third Quartile Views
d. Video Complete Views
e. Video 5 Second Views
f. Video 5 Second View Rate
g. Video Unmutes
h. View-through rate (VTR)
i. Viewable click-through rate (vCTR)
Sponsored Display vCPM campaigns - This campaign type will correctly show impressions, sales, conversions, and orders in Sellozo.
Sponsored Display - Users will now be able to see the following performance metrics data on SD campaigns.
a. Detail Page View (DPV) - This metric helps you understand how many shoppers are visiting your product pages as a result of your sponsored brand campaigns.
b. New-to-brand (NTB) - NTB metrics enable you to measure product orders and sales generated from first-time customers.
Sponsored Brand - Advertisers can now see the impressions for SB campaigns in Sellozo.

All new metrics are added to the “options’ tab in PPC Manager
New metrics reporting on the Search terms tab:
a. Search Term impression Rank - It indicates the ranking among all advertisers for the keyword by ad impressions in a marketplace. It tells an advertiser how many advertisers had a higher share of ad impressions. Search term information is only available for keywords the advertiser targeted with ad impressions.
b. Search Term impression Share - It indicates the percentage share of all ad-attributes impressions you received on that keyword in the last 30 days. This metric helps advertisers identify potential opportunities based on their share of relevant keywords.

New metrics reporting on the Search terms tab
Note: All these new metrics are added to the ‘Options’ tab in PPC Manager and users can select the metrics of their choice to see them on the PPC Manager table.
8. Introducing new metrics for Sponsored Display campaigns on the PPC Manager
Sellozo now started reporting on some new metrics for Sponsored Display campaigns ;
a. Cost Type - There are two different types of cost types, CPC and vCPM. It shows how the campaign bills, either vCPM (cost per thousand viewable impressions) or CPC (cost per click).
b. Delivery Profile - Always as_soon_as_possible
c. Tactic - Sponsored Display campaigns are differentiated by the tactic. A tactic defines the targeting strategy for the campaign. The targeting tactic for the campaign is either T00020 or T00030.

Some more new metrics’ support for SD campaigns
9. Launching Portfolio support in Sellozo
Users will now be able to filter their campaigns using the Portfolio Id that they have set in Seller Central.

Portfolio ID filter on PPC Manager
10. Launching support for Brand Entity Id for Sponsored Brand campaigns
We have added the Brand entity id in Sellozo for Sponsored Brand campaigns. This metric is available on the ‘Options’ tab from where users can toggle it on to see that data on the PPC Manager table.
11. Added ‘Campaign/Ad group name’ on the Activity Log page
We included Campaign and ad group name in the ‘Related’ column along with their Ids on the Activity Log page.

Campaign/Ad group name on the Activity Log page
12. Support for ISBN targeting in Sellozo
Sellozo now supports ISBN targeting for booksellers.

New Targeting type ‘ISBN’ for booksellers
13. Updated bid limits across all the marketplaces
We have updated the min and max bid limits according to Amazon Bid Constraints by Marketplace.

Amazon Bid Constraints by Marketplace
Also, In the ‘Adjust Targeting’ window, we have also added info icons on “Bid”, “Min Bid”, and “Max Bid” that summarize and express what all these fields are about, here are the details:
a. Bid - Bid is the current amount you are offering to pay for showing your ad. Bid values must be within limits set by Amazon for the marketplace and the type of campaign you are running.
b. Min Bid - Minimum Bid is an optional setting that prevents the Optimizer from reducing the bid lower than this value. Minimum Bids may be set at the Profile, Campaign, Ad Group, and Targeting levels. The bid must be Greater than or equal to this value.
c. Max Bid - Maximum Bid is an optional setting that prevents the Optimizer from increasing the bid higher than this value. Maximum Bids may be set at the Profile, Campaign, Ad Group, and Targeting levels. The bid must be less than or equal to the min bid.

New informational content and updated error messages
We have also updated the error message on each field to make it more intuitive and for a better user experience. Whenever a user enters the wrong input, all these error messages will guide them to enter valid values based on their limits.
Additional small enhancements and bug fixes:
Changed the default naming structure of the destination ad group in the mirrored campaign from “Source ad group (Destination)" to “Campaign name (destination)” in the Campaign Studio.
Updated the ad group naming convention to “[CampaignTargeting]-[AdGroupTargeting]-[LaunchDate]-[ProductAsin]” for better user experience in the PPC Manager.
Added a new filter for Products Name -> Does Not Contain on the ProductVu
The number of active ads is now showing correctly in ProductVu.
Bulk cost of Goods CSV file will now pull all the Smart tags.
The DSP Manager filter issue is now fixed. Now, users will be able to select any filters in any order on any of those three tabs on the DSP Manager.
Placement multipliers are now showing the correct value on the “Adjust campaigns” window and on the “Bid multipliers” columns on the PPC Manager table.
Product ads are no longer missing in AutoPilot as long as advertised products are eligible for advertising.
SD Campaign type is now showing correctly on the CSV file on the PPC Manager.
The campaign Budget history chart now loads up on all the accounts.
Dashboard data now calculating the Organic sales data correctly.
SB Target adjustments are now functioning properly. Users will be able to make all the adjustments on the SB campaigns like; Relative bid adjustments, lock bid, etc.