With this release, Sellozo announces the launch of version 3.0 of the platform with the brand new application “Sellozo AutoPilot”, keyword transfer across various campaign types, significant UI/UX evolution, and a few performance improvements to help users manage large accounts, and some reporting, & dashboard enhancements across the board.
Additionally, we are elated to announce that Sellozo is now an “Advanced Partner” of Amazon. You can find us on the Amazon partner Network with the “Advanced Partner” badge shown in the below screenshot.

Advanced Partner Badge for Sellozo
Sellozo Autopilot will allow the users to manage their whole account at a higher level in a more automated fashion. You will be able to enable AutoPilot to completely automate all campaign strategy and budget management either across the board on all the products or on a specific list of products. Using Sellozo Autopilot, sellers can manage their advertising and do the required configuration and setup in just a few minutes.
1. Introducing a separate view of AutoPilot in the application
We added a new tab to the left sidebar for the page called ‘AutoPilot’ which captures all the details on how to create a product group, set all the details at the group level, launch your campaigns, and how AutoPilot functions, and many more.

Sellozo AutoPilot
2. Introduced a splash screen as an introduction to the Sellozo AutoPilot
Built a splash screen along with the brief disclaimer and a tutorial video for all the users who land on this page for the first time. The disclaimer will let the users know that their existing product ads for those products that are being launched via AutoPilot will be paused.

AutoPilot tutorial video and Disclaimer
3. Launching new product groups within AutoPilot
Users can add all of their products or a few of them into a Product Group. There is a new button at the top-right corner of the page called ‘Create new Product Groups’ where there are two steps to launch a new product group. You can set the ACoS target, budget, keyword discovery aggressiveness, etc. at the group level. Advertising budgets will be balanced across all products and campaigns in that group to maximize profitability.

Create new AutoPilot product Group
In Step 1, users will be able to select the products they want to group together.
In Step 2, they can name the group, set the budget, ACoS target, and also set the Keyword discovery level.
In Step 2, set the Budget (see formula below) based on the selected ‘Keyword Discovery level
If the Keyword discovery level is set to ‘Low’, then the budget should be no less than; 1 + (2 x the number of products)
If it is set to ‘Medium’, the budget will be equal to or more than the 1 + (3 x the number of products)
Similarly, if the keyword discovery level is ‘High’, the budget will be equal to or more than the 1 + (4 x the number of products)

Budget limit based on selected keyword discovery level
Product Group breakdown:
Once the product group will be created, you will see all the details associated with it, e. g., how many campaigns were created as a part of that group, how many products were added, and many more, check the following keynotes for more details:

Product Group Breakdown
a. View products: This option at the top-right corner of the product group will take the users to the ProductVu page filtering down the products associated with the selected group, where users can see all other details of the products there on ProductVu (only limited product details are shown on the AutoPilot page).
In the ProductVu, we also added a filter the ProductVu for AutoPilot enabled → Yes/No on the products which will help users filter the products that are part of AutoPilot.

AutoPilot filter on the ProductVu
b. View Campaigns - This will take users to the PPC Manager page filtering down all the campaigns that were launched as part of the Autopilot group.
The campaigns launched via AutoPilot will have a prefix added to them i.e., SAP (Sellozo AutoPilot) which will help users distinguish between AutoPilot and normal campaigns. It also has a timestamp added to them at the end.
We also added an AutoPilot enabled → Yes/No filter on the Campaigns tab.

AutoPilot filter on the Campaigns tab in PPC Manager
c. Green Action button - This green action item will allow the users to Edit or Delete the product group.
d. Parent ASIN/ ASIN/ SKU tabs - The product group has three separate tabs for where you can see the product details at the Parent ASIN, child ASIN, and SKU levels.
4. Added a dummy Product group to give a quick overview of all its details
We added a dummy product group with all its details like name, budget, pictures, parent ASIN, child ASIN, and SKU when the accounts don't have any pre-existing AutoPilot (AP) product groups.
This is just for users to understand how the product group will look like once they will create their real group. You can start the hop tours and it will guide you through all the key components of the group.
Note: The dummy product group will be replaced as soon as sellers create a real product group in AP.

Dummy Product Group
5. How Keyword discovery level is connected with the campaign patterns
Specific campaign patterns will be created based on the selected keyword discovery level:
Keyword Discovery Level -> Low - Auto link to exact match
Keyword Discovery Level -> Medium - Auto-phrase-exact
Keyword Discovery Level -> High - Auto-broad-phrase - exact
6. Autopilot will pause the existing product ads of those products that are being launched via AP
When the users select specific products while creating a product group in Autopilot and launch campaigns for those products, all the existing campaigns for those products will be paused in PPC Manager.
7. Automated Dayparting
The AutoPilot system will automatically add and manage dayparting on all campaigns for the selected products. The system each day will evaluate if it makes sense to limit the hours per day to maximize profitability and if so, it will start eliminating the worst performing hours of the day.
Note: If a campaign is hitting budget, the automated dayparting will start shutting off the hours of day 1 at a time from lowest order volume to highest until it stops hitting budget. It stops one worst-performing hour per day.
8. Automated top-of-search multiplier
Autopilot will automatically set the top-of-search and product page settings to 5% as it follows our best practice.
9. Launching keyword harvesting across various ad types
This will allow users to link auto and manual campaigns to Sponsored Brand campaigns in order to create/mine keywords into SB campaigns in the Campaign Studio. Users will be able to link Sponsored Product Campaigns to and from Sponsored Brand Campaigns in the Campaign Studio. This will allow users to move high-performing keywords between these Campaign types.

Linkings between various campaign types in Campaign Studio
Following are the key points about Sponsored Brand linkings in the Campaign Studio:
Self-link is allowed on SB campaigns. It will help in converting "Phrase match" to "Exact match" within the Sponsored Brand campaign.
We will not be creating any negative keywords when you link SB to SP campaigns. The optimizer will create the negative keyword when we transfer the keyword from one Sponsored Brand campaign to another.
The transfer rule is set for at least 5 conversions by default before moving keywords from one Sponsored Brand to another. You can edit the number of conversions to any number of your choice based on your strategy.
The transfer rule for transferring keywords from SB to SP campaign is set to 1 conversion by default.

Default Transfer rule for SB -> SB linking
10. Enhanced the way how COGs information is stored and consumed
We enhanced the way how COGS information is stored and consumed so that we have optimized performance when we use this information in the ProductVu and Dashboard.
Following are the updated COGs definitions in the application:
Unit - Cost to purchase or manufacture.
inbound_shipping - Cost to ship to the distribution point.
outbound_shipping - Cost to ship to the end consumer.
Unclassified - we introduced this new section where sellers can add Miscellaneous Costs that may wish to attribute.
We also worked on mapping the Current COGs with the new ones while retaining the effective date as follows;
Cost of Goods → unit
Inbound Shipping → inbound_shipping
Reshipping Fees → outbound_shipping
11. Updated Dashboard fields to support the new COGs data structure
We revised and updated all the following Dashboard fields to support the new COGs data structure:
Relocated COGS upload/download component from the Dashboard to ProductVu.
Charting options on the Dashboard are updated to reflect the new data structure.
True Profit Widget updated to reflect the new data structure.
Inventory Summary Widget Expanded to include Product Costs in Summary.
12. Updated ProductVu fields to support the new COGS data structure
We updated the ProductVu fields to support the new COGs data structure:
COGS widget will reflect updated COGS options.
Bulk Download to reflect new data structure limited to COGS only to stabilize, simplify, and clarify data processing.
Bulk Upload to reflect new data structure.
Finance Details and Inventory widgets are updated and rebalanced to account for the new data structure.
Charting options and filters are updated to reflect the new data structure.
Updated Information Icons to clarify and define product cost categories.
13. Updated Financial report fields to support the new COGS data structure
Following are the fields that were updated on the Financial reports:
Updated Summary / Costs Breakdown / Inventory Summary to reflect the new data structure.
SKU/ASIN/Parent Detail tabs are updated to reflect the new data structure.
Added support for special characters in Campaign and ad group names. Now users can add any special characters in their campaigns and ad group names in Sellozo that Amazon supports.
Introduced a new column for “Brand” on the downloadable CSV file under Financial Reports -> Details tab.
Now Dayparting will no longer enable the campaigns that were paused manually by the users.
We replaced ‘True’ and ‘False’ with ‘0’ and ‘1’ as valid values for deleting the campaign pattern using the Campaign group bulk upload.
Now, users will be able to download CSV files on the ProductVu after removing the default filters on the page.
Users will now be able to filter targeting expressions containing apostrophes '.
Fixed “Campaign name already in use’ error on the Campaign Studio -> Edit campaign window.