In this release, we introduced Amazon DSP v1.0 which captures the order-level performance data in Sellozo as of now. We will work on capturing the Line items and Creatives in Amazon DSP v2.0 that will be released in the following months.
We are also releasing a brand new Placement reporting in Sellozo which will give users an insight into where their campaigns are placed on the Amazon marketplace and much more. The whole suite of Placement bids will be launched in our next release. As of now, we are launching read-only reporting data on the placements at the campaign level.
Also, we launched additional new features and functionalities on the application like Campaign Tagging, new and improved Campaign bulk uploading, etc. This release also includes a few performance improvements to help users manage large accounts, UI improvements, reporting, and dashboard enhancements across the board.
1. Introducing a separate view for Amazon DSP reporting in Sellozo
Description: We launched the first version of Amazon DSP v1.0 that captures the simplified order-level reporting in Sellozo. This will help sellers see all of their DSP performance metrics in one place to effectively optimize their campaigns.

DSP Manager v1.0 reporting
2. Five new Hero cards on the DSP Manager page
Description: Added five hero cards at the top of the DSP Manager page that displays performance metrics data right up front to the sellers on that page. Following are the five DSP Manager hero cards:
i. Total Sales
ii. Total Cost
iii. Impressions
iv. Branded Searches
v. RoAS

Hero cards on the DSP Manager
3. Launching a new set of filters on the DSP Manager
Description: Added a new set of filters on this page that will help users filter their desired search results based on the available metrics.

Filters on the DSP Manager
Note: Save Filter set and Load filter set works exactly the same as it works on other pages within the application.
Save Filter Set - Sellers can save a set of filters to be applied at any time. Simply set filters on the Orders tab, name them, and Save. The saved filters will be stored in the ‘load Filter Set’ tab.
Load Filter Set - Sellers can search their preset filters by typing partial or full text and it pulls up all possible matches.
4. Trend Analysis & Comparison chart
We have two different types of graphs on the DSP Manager:
a. Trend - This graph shows the profile trend of all the performance metrics of the account for the particular marketplace. Sellers can see their daily/weekly/monthly trends for the selected date range on the page.

Trend Analysis Chart
b. Compare - This is a Performance comparison chart based on the date period(YoY, and PoP). Sellers can compare the performance of any of their Orders based on the two selected date ranges so that they can analyze their performance in one date range vs. performance during another date range. Also, sellers can download the graph data into a CSV file.

Comparison Chart
Note: The comparison chart shows the previous and current time frame trends with separate lines and the legends (in different colors) on the chart explain what each line stands for.
There are separate tabs at the top-left corner of the graph where sellers have the options to choose if they want to see a trend chart or a comparison graph for daily/weekly/monthly time frame for the selected date range on the page.
This chart shows the PoP/YoY comparison chart. The comparison intervals work in conjunction with Weekly/Daily/Monthly options on the right.
Sellers will also be able to see their previous and current data like year over year, month over month, week over week, last X days with the week before, etc. on the comparison chart on the Hero cards at the top of DSP Manager.
5. DSP Manager Table
Description: We build the DSP Manager table so that one can see all their DSP data in one place, which can help them effectively optimize their campaigns. We have added various columns to the table by default and a few of them are also added on the ‘Orders’ tab that users can select to display on the table if they want to see them. Also, sellers can download all these data into a CSV file.

DSP Manager Table
Additional information: Line items and Creatives are forthcoming in DSV v2.0 next month.
6. Placement report for all the campaigns in PPC Manager
Description: Sellers can now see the details of the campaigns segmented by all the placements that were shown on Amazon on a separate tab ‘Placements’ on the PPC Manager.
The Placement table on this page shows the details of the campaigns that were optimized for various placements. All these data are available to download in a CSV file.

Placement Reporting of the Campaigns
Additional information: The next version of Placement bids will allow the users to make some inline edits on the table and we will also automate optimizing the top of search and/or product page placements to lower the ACoS.
7. Launching a new feature to tag the campaigns in the PPC Manager
Description: Sellers will be able to add one or multiple tags to the campaigns in PPC Manager and can also filter out the campaign based on their tags.
This option is added to the ‘PPC Manager -> Campaigns -> Green actions items -> Edit Campaign’ when users would like to tag an individual campaign.

Smart Tags on the Campaigns
This action is also available for bulk campaign tagging, users can select multiple campaigns that they want to tag, click on the ‘Add Tag’ option, and can add one or multiple tags to the campaigns. It works exactly the way it works for product tagging in ProductVu.

Bulk Campaign tagging
8. New ‘Smart Tags’ column on the PPC Manager table
Descriptions: We added a separate column for the campaign tag on the PPC Manager table so that the users can see all tags that have been added to the campaigns so far.

New column for Smart Tag on the PPC Manager
Note: ‘Smart Tag’ column is also available in the downloadable CSV file on the PPC Manager
9. New filter for Smart Tags on the Campaigns tab
Description: Added a new filter for Smart Tags on the campaign tab so that users can filter their campaigns based on the tags added to it.
This filter will show the ten latest tags added to the campaigns in the account in the ‘Filter By’ widget.

Smart Tags filter on the Campaigns tab
Note: Users can type a couple of letters from the tags, and the filter will display all the existing tags that match partially/fully with any words in the tag.

The new Filter will pull up the existing tags that match partially
10. ‘Any Tag’ filter on the Campaigns tab
Description: This filter will allow the user to filter those campaigns that have any tag added to them.

Any Tag filter
11. Performance enhancements for Dashboard, ProductVu, PPC Manager, and Financial
Description: The queries on Dashboard, ProductVu, PPC Manager, and Financial Reports have been optimized for better performance of page loads. These pages load much faster than they used to take earlier, especially on large accounts.
12. Rebuilt the ‘Campaign Pattern Bulk’ component on the PPC Manager
Description: We rebuilt this whole component and introduced a few new features here along with fixing some bugs on the existing features and functionalities of campaign bulk upload.

Campaign Bulk Upload
This will allow you to create, edit/modify or delete associations between your campaigns. The "Download" option will download a list of your existing campaign patterns. Sellers can then use this template to create new, modify existing, or delete campaign patterns in bulk by using the "Upload" option.
When making changes to the Campaign fields, the first line that modifies the campaign will be used, and the later changes to the campaign will be ignored. Please note that Campaign Patterns will be fully rebuilt from the information provided on the file that you upload, including all links between campaigns and transfer rules.
To prevent unexpected behavior, only upload campaign patterns you would like to create, modify, or delete. The following table explains what each field does and how to use it.

Campaign Pattern Bulk Actions
13. New filter for the Brand name on ProductVu
Description: We added a new filter on the ProductVu for Brand names where users can filter their products by their Brand name.

Brand Name filter on the ProductVu
Fixed the number of pages on ‘Activity Log’ and ‘ProductVu’ according to the number of records pulled out in the search result. It will now display the Nearest ceiling integer of (number of records/ number of records per page selected by the user.)
Fixed the overflowing text on the ‘Filter By’ widget
The daily/Weekly trends chart will now pull up the correct trend when a different date range is selected on the DSP Manager page.
RoAS on the DSP Manager hero cards is now showing the correct current and previous value and also calculating the correct Delta value.
Sellozo video tutorial link is now redirecting to our YouTube channel where we have all the tutorial videos.
Studio Template on the Campaign Groups tab is loading just fine and will let the users create their own custom template.
Fixed a few issues on the ‘Campaign mirroring’ functionality in the Campaign studio.
Added retail inventory cost on the ‘Inventory summary’ on the Dashboard.
Bid adjustments on all the accounts are now up to date.
Fixed the Smart Tags filter on the ProductVu and now it pulls up the correct search result based on the applied filter.
Sellozo Autopilot - With Sellozo Autopilot, we announce a new version of our application as ‘Sellozo 3.0’. This is going to be a major release that will allow you to manage your entire account in an automated way at a higher level. You will be able to enable Sellozo to completely automate all campaign strategy and budget management either across the board on all your products or on a specific list of products. You don’t have to look at individual campaigns, ad groups, ads, and keywords and you can manage your advertising by spending just a few minutes on configuration and setup.
Important note: All the existing advanced and granular features that you like will still be there if you would like to get into the weeds! The new feature will be an optional way to manage your account in an easier way.
DSP Manager v2.0 - In this version, We will start reporting on Line items and Creatives performance data with some more added features.
Placement Bids v 2.0 - We will be building a new optimizer in order to optimize the placement bid multipliers to lower overall ACoS and maximize Top of Search placements.
Keyword transfer across various ad types - This will allow users to link auto and manual campaigns to Sponsored Brand campaigns in order to create/mine keywords into SB campaigns in the Campaign Studio. Users will be able to link Sponsored Product Campaigns to and from Sponsored Brand Campaigns in the Campaign Studio. This will allow users to move high-performing keywords between these Campaign types.